- 1 More Time Games
- 3 Emme Games
- AM Games
- ATM Gaming
- AbacusSpiele
- Academy Games
- Albi
- Alderac Entertainment Group
- Alea
- Ankama
- Apeiron Games
- Arcane Wonders
- Ares Games
- Asmodee Italia
- Astro Edizioni
- Awaken Realms
- Bad Comet
- Badgers from Mars
- Bethesda
- Bezier Games
- BlackSands Games
- Blackrock Games
- Blam!
- Blue Cocker Games
- Blue Orange
- Blue Orange (EU)
- Board&Dice
- Boardcubator
- Bombyx
- Bonfire games
- Breaking Games
- Briicks
- Brueh Games Inc.
- Button Shy
- Cardborad Alchemy
- Catch Up Games
- Chip Theory Games
- Christian Kudahl
- Cocktail Games
- ConcernedApe
- Cranio Creations
- Creardo
- Creardo Pertitas
- Czech Games Edition
- Dan Verssen Games (DVG)
- Dawn Town Games
- Days of Wonder
- Deer Games Studio
- Deer games studio
- Delicious Games
- Devir
- Devir Italia
- Dire Wold
- Djama Games
- Dodo corporation
- Dracomaca
- Dragon Dawn Productions
- Duck’s Games
- Dungeondice
- Eagle-Gryphon Games
- Edition Spielwiese
- Editrice il Castoro
- Elf Creek Games
- EmperorS4
- Equinox
- Ergo Ludo Edition
- Escape Studios Games
- EscapeWelt
- Exploding Kittens
- Fantasia edizioni
- Fantasy Flight Games
- Favro Ventures, LLC
- Favro Ventures, LLC.
- Fever Games
- Flatout Games
- Flatout games
- Floodgare Games
- FryxGames
- Funnyfox
- GMT Games
- GRRRE Games
- Galakta
- Gale force nine
- Game Brewer
- Game Salute
- Gamewright
- Garphill Games
- GateOnGames
- Gen42 Games
- Ghenos Games
- Giga Mech Games
- Gigamic
- Giochi Uniti
- Giochix
- Godot Games
- Grail Games
- Gravity Games
- Greater Than Games
- Greater Than Games, LLC
- Grrre Games
- Hans im Glück
- Heroes of Timeline Ltd
- Hiboutatillus
- Hidden games
- Hobby World
- Hodari Spiele
- Horrible Games
- Horrible Guild
- Iello
- Indie Boards & Cards
- Inside Up Games
- Ion Game Design
- Jocaranda Games
- Karma Games
- Keymaster Games
- Kids Table BG
- Kosmos Games
- Lautapelit.fi
- Le Scorpion Masqué
- Leder Games
- Letheia
- Level 99 Games
- Level99 Games
- Libellud
- Little Rocket Games
- LockMe
- Lookout Games
- Lookout games
- Lucky Duck Games
- Lucky Duck Games Italia
- Ludus Magnus Studio
- Lunar Oak Studio
- Lybellud-Asmodee Italia
- MOOD Publishing
- MS Edizioni
- Maestro Media
- Maisherly Chan
- Maldito Games
- Mancalamaro
- Mariposa Games
- Matagot
- Mazzi Games
- MeepleBR
- Mindclash games
- Nanox Games
- Nerdlab
- Nerdlab games
- Next Move Games
- Norsker Games
- Nuverse
- Officina Meningi
- Oink Games
- Oliphante
- Osprey Games
- Owly Moly Games
- Pandasaurus Games
- Peakwik dreams
- Pendragon Game Studio
- Pick 'n' Roll Games Lab
- Pico Mega
- Plaid Hat Games
- Plan B Games
- Play Particle
- Playagame Edizioni
- Portal Games
- Quined Games
- Raven Distribution
- Ravensburger
- Rebel Sp. z o.o
- Rebel Studio
- Red Glove
- Red Raven Games
- Repos Production
- Rio Grande Games
- Rock Manor Games
- Roxley
- Salt & Pepper Games
- Sand Castle Games
- Schmidt Spiele
- Scorpion Masqué
- Second Dinner Studios
- Side Room Games
- Sierra Madre Design
- Sit Down!
- Skytear Games
- Space Cowboys
- Spiral Éditions
- Starling Games
- Stepped Games
- Stone Blade Entertainment
- Stonemaier Games
- Stratelibri
- Studio H
- Studio Midhall
- Studio Supernova
- Stupormundi
- Super Meeple
- Sylex
- Tabula Games
- Taffo
- Tesla Games
- The City of Games
- The Flying Games
- The OP Games
- The Op
- ThunderGryph Games
- Thunderworks Games
- Todys Games
- Tompet Games
- Unstable Games
- Wehrlegig Games
- Wise Wizard Games
- WizKids
- Wonder Forge
- Wyrmgold GmbH
- Yas! Games
- Z-Man Games
- dV Giochi
- dlp-games
- iDventure
- matagot
- www.cocorido.it
- xvgames